"Never before has such a seminar been commissioned by the Divine or delivered by enlightened human catalysts"

In 2000, I was visited by the Archangel Gabriel and my life has been on a rocket path to spiritual evolution ever since.

Because of the visit, it became easy for me to develop psychic skills and the ability to channel many High Beings of Light. (I now teach others the specific techniques so “they can do it, too.”)

A few years ago… I came into contact with the first Sufi saint, Data Dastagir Badshah. Don’t bother trying to Google him…you won’t find much. He is said to be so powerful that he’s almost a secret.

I traveled all the way to India to visit his powerful energy portal and let me tell you, it literally bowled me over!

Data Dastagir Badshah is the only Being of Light I have ever experienced whose energy completely knocked me out; my knees buckled, my consciousness expanded. What a blissful re-connection, a homecoming. Data Dastagir is my perfect “spirit match”!

While in India, Data Dastagir gave me very explicit instructions and asked me to do something extraordinary.

“Rebecca,” Data Dastagir said, “There are many ascended masters and high Beings of Light like me that desire to “match” with a special human vessel for the purpose of world service. We are asking you to open portals of communication to connect humans with their own personal spiritual masters.

In short, Rebecca, we are asking you to be a ‘matchmaker’ for the Gods!

I was stunned to be asked such a thing, but it made perfect sense to me, so of course I said, “Yes!”

Because I personally know the power of collaborating with my very own High Being of Light, I want to share this experience with you. I want you to connect with your personal Spiritual Master!

There has never been a time like this in history. World service workers are needed now as never before. Their work is so much more powerful and impactful when they allow an ascended master to guide them; an Angelic Being, God or Goddess to “match” with them on a deep, energetic level.

My next questions to Data Dastagir were… “Why can’t High Beings of Light just flood the earth with their power? Why do you need this “match” with a human?”

Data Dastagir answered…

I will give you three examples

to help you understand


Imagine sunlight beaming through a window. It’s pretty to look at and you can even warm your hand in the rays, but take a prism and place it in the ray’s path. The result? Multiple rays are reflected in much splendor!

So it is with our power. We need humans willing to be a channel for us to ‘step down’ the energy a bit to be easily accessible to all.

We are the sunlight; you are the prism.


Think of all the refugees after a disaster such as the one in Haiti. Other countries may send supplies to aid them, but if there are no humans with integrity to distribute the goods, the supplies are of no value to anyone.

We are the supplies; you are the distributors.


Gasoline is a potent fuel; however, it is of no value until you put it in a vehicle and start the engine.

We are the gasoline; you are the cranked engine.”

“Okay, Data Dastagir Badshah, you really have my attention, but how on earth can I do this?” I asked.

We will give you complete instructions on how to easily do this “matchmaking for the gods.” Some people have already been “matched” in previous lifetimes and have forgotten. Some will be brand new matches. All will be divinely ordained and guided! Some have been matched yet have outgrown by evolution and are ready for new ministry that requires another match.
Attending should be a stretch for them, either financially, emotionally, time-wise or relationship-wise. If one feels the call, they should answer even if they are shaking in their boots. They just have to show up and be willing to make the commitment. The High Beings of Light will assist them. As soon as many read this, they will know in their heart that they are being called.” (Any ONE of these processes is life-changing…can you imagine how you will transform with 2 days of this type of power?)
(My co-presenter, Dr. Patricia Felici, is experienced in this unique Sufi healing modality and brings extreme grace and ease to the whole process.)
There is a main crystal in our pineal gland. Many have never had it activated. Most crystals are now outdated. Data Dastagir gave me exact instructions on exchanging the “outdated” crystal for a new one that will allow easier communication with your “spirit match.”
Because you want to be an effective channel for your “spirit mate,” we will heal the basic “obstructive energy interfering in your auric field..” Data Dastagir says this is THE key and has given me full instructions for healing.
This will enable you to “speak freely” about your inner vision.
This will be a powerful tool to “clear your mind and let spirit speak.” *Even if you already know”Light Language” you will learn to speak a new “Love Language” for your Spirit-mate.

“How can I open the energy of the people who will feel this call and help them ‘match and connect’ with the High Being of Light best suited for them?”

Data Dastagir was ready with specific instructions.

Don’t worry that you will not be able to do any of this. Spirit has given me instructions to make it so simple, everyone will easily “do it.”

(Mere words cannot express how “Speaking Sacred Language” will catapult you into Heavenly realms. You can do this while driving, in between working…anytime you want to have an instant, deep connection. Sacred language will get you there like nothing else I have ever experienced. Learning this technique and how to apply it is worth the price of the seminar all by itself!)

Instructions 1-7 above will be completed before “Spirit Matching” is consummated, and then the Consummation process begins.

These are the steps involved in this high point of the two-day retreat:

Step 1: Be matched with a powerful “Being of Light”.

This Being of Light is already courting you. You will be matched with the perfect spirit partner who will be most compatible with the energy you already hold. Together you will do great and wonderful things for the planet.

Step 2: Experience a ceremony of “divine union”.

After you are matched, you will have the opportunity to experience a ceremony of “Divine Union” to deepen your commitment to collaborative world service.

Step 3: Learn to communicate freely with your spirit match, to tune into their energy at will.

This will bring great blessings both to you and to many others.

Step 4: Gain clarity about your mission and service to yourself and others.

You will leave this event with a new sense of purpose and clear direction. Perhaps for the first time ever, NO ONE will be able to sway you from your path!

Step 5: Experience an impactful Sufi “Shaytanic Harm Healing”.

Using the sacred incense “Enemy of the Devils,” Dr. Felici will perform a sacred ritual to rid you of obstacles, move your mountains, and open the door to miracles. This ceremony can only be performed by a third year Sufi Healer.

I have experienced this sacred ritual myself and each time it has been miraculous. When nothing else works, call in “the Enemy of the Devils.”

I cannot say enough about this “Enemy of the Devils” ritual. It has rescued me in my darkest hours and provided deliverance without fail.



Q. What can I expect to experience in the two (2) days of this retreat?

A. You will spend much of the time in a trance state as the Beings of Light adjust your energy. You will feel nurtured and loved, and know the feeling of “coming home to your beloved.”

With my loving and skilled guidance, you will have a chance to practice channeling this energy. Do not be afraid, dearest heart. Later, you will literally laugh at any fear you are having now!

Your spirit will be permanently transformed on many levels. This may be the most precious experience of your life!

Q. What else will I learn that will support others or propel my career?

A. You will learn a technique Data Dastagir taught me about how to open portals of energy. These portals can be used for any purpose, e.g. creativity, healing, financial blessings and abundance in any form. I have experienced dramatic results with the use of these portals and I will teach you the secret so you can experience it for yourself.

As Portal Master, I will teach you how to open YOUR own Portals to other realms for your OWN personal benefit and evolution!

You will discover how to best utilize your new spiritual relationship for the direct benefit of yourself and others.

Q. What will I experience in my physical body?

A. It all depends on your body chemistry as you align with your spirit-mate. You may feel a lot of energetic sensations, deep relaxation and/or bliss, or you may feel very little in your physical body. Because this is a highly individualized process, you will receive and feel exactly what you need to move through with great ease.

Q. What is the most precious parts of this that you have not mentioned yet?

A. Two rituals:

#1. Ahhh, we will have a sacred foot washing ceremony that is almost too precious for words! Just as Mary washed the feet of the Christ, so we honor the Christ-consciousness that is even now flooding the planet!

#2. Plus…experience a ritual called… “The Ceremony of the Beloved”( BOTH these rituals transport you into a space of PURE love!)

Admittedly, this event is not for everyone. You will feel it deep within if attending is your next evolutionary step. You will simply and absolutely know this is for you. It will be the answer to your recent prayers. It will resonate in such a way that you are driven to find a way to be there, at any cost.

I am fortunate to be assisted with this live seminar by the accomplished Dr. Patricia Felici.

To experience a healing by Patricia is to expand your heart and access the depths of love.

Patricia is an experienced Master Sufi Healer and has completed three full years of intense training to facilitate this never-before-offered match-making process.

Rebecca Marina is a life coach and new thought leader specializing in helping people

Seating for this event is intentionally limited to 8 Participants.

This is so that you can have the most intimate experience possible.

I am committed to providing individual attention to each participant. Your TRANSFORMATION is my highest aim!

We will do rituals, have anointing ceremonies, prophecy, raise the roof, cry, shout, dance, hug…make love with the spirit world…with no interference!

I will be holding open the “curtain between the worlds” for you and want to be able to give you all the personal guidance and attention you need as you meet and consummate a relationship with your very own Being of Light.

Because you may have trouble trusting your instincts, Data Dastagir Badshah, Mary Magdalene and the entire Sophia tribe asked me to include an energy exercise to help you gain clarity.

Click here for that energy exercise and make sure you have at least 10 minutes of quiet time to actively engage the process.

Frequently asked Questions

Q. How do I trust a Light Being is wanting to connect and that they are from God?

A. Part of my system is using a Light/dark meter and the One true test.

Q. I don't know if I have what it takes to deeply connect with a Light Being.

A, This is a 2 part response.

#1. You would not be attracted to this event if you were not already chosen!

#2. My teaching model has a system(a series of processes) that makes it easy!

Besides, remember, the Light Being needs YOU!

Q. How do I know this will work for me?

A, It will absolutely work if you just follow the steps in the system.

WE also have 21 days of daily follow up! This makes it part of your daily routine and provides consistency!

Q, I would love to do this but this is not a good time for me, will you do it again?

A. This event is only offered every few years. It may be a sacrifice for you and that sacrifice will be rewarded!

Many things that turn out the GREATEST, require some type of sacrifice!

REMEMBER THIS: If it was EASY with NO effort...EVERYBODY would already be doing this!

You will be one of the Chosen Few who answered the call!

Q,. I'm afraid if I connect that the Light being will ask me to be like you! I'm shy and don't want to be in the limelight.

A. Your Spirit Mate chose you because of the traits you already have- NOT to force you to be different.

Q. I don't know what the Light Being will expect of me.

A. My SYSTEM will guide you. Remember, your Spirit Mate will only expect Baby Steps!

I am guided to accommodate 8 seekers-of-truth for this experience.

Are you one of them?

You should attend this life-altering event if:

  • You are ready to take the elevator instead of the stairs to higher spiritual evolution, and you feel the call deep in your heart.
  • You feel a genuine yearning to develop your spirituality and are committed to rapid advancement.
  • You possess spiritual maturity, but require more wisdom in working with this caliber of energy.
  • You may feel scared and unsure yet your heart is SCREAMING at you to take the leap!
  • You are willing to be a channel for a very high Being of Light.

You should NOT attend this event if:

  • You do not feel the call to world service in your heart.
  • You do not feel a deep resonance with this message.
  • In any way you resent the fee, distance, or time required to attend. (Remember, Data Dastagir said this should be a spiritual pilgrimage; it should be a stretch for you. ( You will want this experience above anything and everything else, and be willing to sacrifice for it.)

To speak with Rebecca for a free 15 min clarity session text 1-956-457-5568

Hours of seminar:

Thursday Oct 19, from 10 Am to 7 PM Central time

Friday Oct 20, from 10 Am to 7 PM

For now, your primary consideration is...shall I listen to the calling of my heart? Is this for me? If it IS, your heart won't stop calling! Oct 19, 20.

If unsure, call me text first (956) 457-5568 or email me at childsuzy@yahoo.com to set a time to talk.

Flight info:

Fly into Houston Hobby (much closer than the other airport George Bush)

A short Uber gets you to the Hotel quickly!


Staybridge Hotel

Staybridge Suites Houston-NASA Clear Lake, an IHG Hotel

501 Texas Avenue, Webster, TX, 77598, US

Complete details sent upon registration.


  • Two days of hands-on guidance by two knowledgeable and fully equipped facilitators.
  • Special presentation from Mary Magdalene with a “connecting ritual” from her time in the temple of Isis.(You will use this both to connect with others and to connect with your spirit match)
  • Data Dastagir, Mother Azna or “other” Highest Being, will channel a personal message of prophecy and blessing through Rebecca for each “pilgrim” during an initiation ceremony. (You will be able to record this and it will be a lifelong treasure!)
  • Knowledge of the Universal ritual for world service. You will be initiated and given the power to initiate others.
  • Make lifelong friends. The bond you experience with others on this pilgrimage is like no relationship you have experienced to date. Your spirits will all be working together for life!

Your Details:

Payment details:



One more thing…you may feel the call but do not have the time or money to come. Ask the spirit who is “courting” you to move mountains for you.

Do not get into resentment or you will not be ready for this anyway. (Resentment is one sure way to STOP your flow.)

When I was trying to go to India, they refused to grant me a Visa.

No one would help me and I felt overwhelmed and like giving up. (I was actually feeling a bit relieved that I was refused a visa, so I could have an excuse NOT TO GO!)

I said a prayer to Data Dastagir. “Look, if you want me to go to India, you better do something because I am tired of this struggle and I did not come here to struggle so hard.”

Right away, I got a “hit” to take a certain action and everybody started helping me and I had my visa right away. (NOTE: I did have to follow through with Action!)

How much do you want this?

And by the way…I did have to sacrifice to go to India. I had to borrow the money for the flight. (All my quick-cash was tied up in investments) I never regretted it or felt any resentment at all. Resentment will kill your spiritual connection more than anything else.

Alternatively, you can start asking the high being of light who may be “courting” you right now to start working with you right where you are. My seminar is designed by the Gods to put you on the fast track.

If you cannot attend at this time, there is no reason you cannot make your own connection right where you are.


The reasons for coming to this seminar and the “faster way” is the intimacy, and tender care you recieve from Me… a shield from the outside world. Bask in the intense focus of myself and Dr Felici holding space for you.

If you set aside the time and focus, you can have your own intense experience with your spirit match right where you are.

I am not trying to talk anyone into making this sacrifice. This is your decision. However, I encourage you NOT to “muddy up your own water” by resenting what spirit asked me to do.


  • Some of you will be expanded into extreme financial abundance. This will come naturally, without struggle, as you follow the calling of your heart. (You may need expanded finances to spread the vision you are given.)
  • Some of you will become such peacemakers that your very presence will calm rough waters.
  • All of you will come into a deep sense of personal solidity, confidence and grace. You will experience the utter peace of ‘being” and have unshakable contentment.

One more thing your “spirit-mate” wants you to know…

Once we are “matched” and you accept our joint partnership, there is nothing you can do to “mess this up”. When you do choose to have “conscious union” with me, it expands our collective gifts exponentially. I share my gifts with you as I see your energy ready.

Here is what some of the graduating participants of a previous event had to say!

If you have read this far, then your interest is high. You usually “KNOW” this is for you by the visceral reaction you feel.

Need to talk about it? Call my cell 956-457-5568 (text first)

Or contact by whatsapp Rebecca Marina


Email: childsuzy@yahoo.com | Phone: (956) 457-5568



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